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Eat Well, Live Well, Be Well!

A healthy dose of my diet, nutrition and lifestyle hacks to improve your health. Every bite counts!

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Berry Blast Breakfast Smoothie

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

Serves 1, VG (V & DF Optional)

If you know me, you know I love a good smoothie. Especially for breakfast. Even more in the warmer months.

As Winter turns to Spring, it's natural to want lighter, cooler foods and smoothies tick both boxes.

If you've done any of my programs, you'll know that even though smoothies are a drink, they are essentially still a meal. They have enough calories and, when properly made, like this one, enough nutrients to replace a regular meal.

You'll also know I don't use protein powders in my smoothies (find out why here) BUT I make sure my smoothie recipes cover all bases in regards to a healthy balance of protein, low GI carbohydrate and healthy fats.

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie
Berry Blast Smoothie

Not only do you get those basics covered, you also get amazing antioxidant fibres, a range of anti inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, plus pre and probiotics and elements that support a reduced blood sugar spike.

Make this super delicious one now to help you feel bright & shiny this Spring!

Berry Blast Breakfast Smoothie


1/2 banana (not too ripe) 1/2 cup (3-4 whole) strawberries (fresh or frozen) 2 TBSP rolled oats 1 TBSP unsweetened full cream Greek yoghurt (use coconut yoghurt if you're dairy free) 2 TBSP natural peanut butter (no additives; just peanuts + salt. Use almond or cashew butter if allergic to peanuts)* 1 cup/ 250ml almond milk, unsweetened (see milk info below)


Place all the ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.

Serve straight away.

Ingredient Q&A:

What brands of Yoghurt do I use?

For full cream yoghurts, go for premium brands with nothing but milk and probiotic cultures. I like Jalna Biodynamic, Berambah Farms and Tamar Valley Greek.

Which nut butters?

Many nut butters contain added sugars and inflammatory oils. Read the ingredient panels. Look for nut butters that contain nothing but nuts and a small amount of salt. I like Honest to Goodness & Mayvers brands. They are easy to come by in most supermarkets these days.

What about Milks?

I prefer to keep dairy low. Even if you are not allergic and tolerate dairy foods well, I still recommend only small amounts (as in1 TBSP of yoghurt, not a full glass of processed milk). You can use unsweetened nut milks (any) and also coconut water. The best unsweetened milk brands (no sugars or added oils) are Australia's Own, Nature's Own, Pure Harvest and Bonsoy.*

If you want more help buying the healthiest foods, check out my whole food guide here.

*To my knowledge, at the time of writing.

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